Working with me

Why work with me?

My space holding is grounded and vast. It allows Individuals to access and experience themselves with minimal external influence and conditioning. This is often relieving and nourishing.

When we are safely held and seen, we can experience ourselves as Wholeness, as Divine Beauty, as the Infinite Essence we are. I collaborate with clients and my Spirit Team, Consciousness in each session to bring back hidden or forgotten gifts, create more space to breathe and be you. This is empowered liberation.

I am here to support stabilised transformation on Awakening & Kundalini paths. So clients can feel more safe and have understanding and insight as to what is happening for them. This is stabilising, sustainable and expansive.

What makes me different.

I walk the Path of Kundalini and can offer clients guidance and allyship so that Awakening is less scary. For clients to experience support so that the journey is less lonely. And to celebrate as clients move over vulnerable experiences, reach life dreams because life can be challenging.

I am fun, funny and playful. Creativity sparks and flows in my Life.

I am also sensitive, tender and deep. Comfortable with stillness and the Infinite Unknown.

I seek to refine and am experiential.

I work in a grounded embodied way because I believe this supports Awakening to be stable and manageable. Everything I do seeks integration into the body.

My Kundalini activated when I was separating and a single mum to two very young children. The early days were intense and I had to find a way to be functional.

I have deep trauma and nervous system awareness and take energetic hygiene seriously.

I have fine tracking skills and map clients as constellation of stars which helps them understand themselves and their experiences.

I am a bridge and a translator between consensus, mainstream everyday world and the Spirit realm and the Infinite Cosmos.

Why I have a client onboarding process.

The nature of my work is life transformative. This is why I take time to explore client and me fit and also want clients to have a sense of what I am like too.

Right fit is important for our cultivation of safety, trust and relationship for my deep and expansive collaboration.

In the depth and vastness are where my gifts and capacities are in creative fluidity and full radiance. This is the home ground and playground of Infinite Possibility.

My training & background

2001-2003 Monash University, Bachelor of Biomedical Science

2004 Monash University, Bachelor of Biomedical Science, First Class Honours.

2006-11 Monash University, Doctor of Philosophy, including long leave to support my family member through Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.

2009-2022 Completed all 3 levels of in-person Spirit Magic training with Myree Morsi, Soul Path Institute and 3 online Spirit Magic Continuums

2022 Completed 250+ hours of Spirit Magic Certificate of Spiritual & Energetic Healing, Founder Myree Morsi, Soul Path Institute.

2022 Completed 250+ hours Sacred & Safe Leadership Trauma-Informed Mastermind, Soul Path Institute.

2022 Completed 500+ hours AHHCA certified Diploma of Spirit Magic Spiritual & Energetic Healing & Sacred & Safe Leadership -Trauma-informed Certificate, Soul Path Institute.

2022-23 Invited to join Dorothy Rowe’s Energy Healing Workshop, 6 month program.

2023 Joined the Australian Holistic Healers & Counsellors Association an accredited professional association.